The consequences of a domestic assault conviction are great—possible jail time, probation, fines, mandatory batterers intervention programs, anger management classes, loss of firearms rights, harm to reputation (well, the reputation part can occur regardless of whether a conviction occurs). Whatever you’re facing, Bryan will be prepared to defend you — sometimes that means seeking a dismissal, or a reduced charge. Other times it means heading for a trial to fight for an acquittal.
Either way, The Law Office of Bryan Stephenson will bring its experience and knowledge to your case. You can call Bryan today for a free consultation to find out how he can get the best possible results for you.
Occasionally, a simple argument between two married or dating folks turns into something more serious. Perhaps a neighbor or onlooker misunderstands what they are seeing, and calls the police to intervene. When the police show up on a domestic call, they are almost always going to arrest somebody; sometimes, they arrest all people involved. Arrests can occur before the police have gained all the relevant facts about the situation.
Domestic Violence does not just apply to people who are dating or married. In fact, the range of relationships that fall under this category is very broad: it applies to roommates (including former roommates), family members by blood, marriage, or adoption, and “exes.” In so many of these cases, it is one person’s word against the other’s, with no corroborating evidence.
When there are domestic violence criminal charges, there is often a related petition for order of protection (“OP” or commonly a “restraining order”). Although these are civil matters, Bryan handles these in addition to the DV charges, and they are often heard by the same judge who is hearing the related criminal case.
Bryan knows that a DV charge can turn lives upside down. He is committed to achieving the most positive outcome in these cases.
Click here to read more about Bryan and case results.